

Monday, March 10, 2025

Theme: Hats

Opening Songs

First Book

Very Good Hats, by Emma Straub and Ill by Blanca Gomez

Movement Songs: Hat Song
On my head, I wear my hat
It is such a silly hat
that my head wiggle waggles to and fro
Where else can my silly hat go?
Repeat with:
Hand, Elbow, and Knee
Credit: Jbrary

Wiggles Song

My right foot has the wiggles, my right foot has the wiggles,
My right food has the wiggles & I tell it now to STOP.

I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my left foot wants to BOP.

My left foot has the wiggles, my left foot has the wiggles,
My left foot has the wiggles, & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my left hand wants to BOP.

My left hand has the wiggles, my left hand has the wiggles,
My left hand has the wiggles, & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my right hand wants to BOP.

My right hand has the wiggles, my right hand has the wiggles,
My right hand has the wiggles & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my whole body wants to BOP.
Credit: Jbrary

Second Book with Flannel:

A Good Day for a Hat, by Nat Fuller Illustrated by Rob Hodgeson

Movement Song: Hands are for Clapping, by Jim Gill

Third Book

Hooray for Hat! By Brian Won

Scarf Dancing: Run Baby Run by Caspar Babypants

Closing Song

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