Monday, March 3, 2025
Theme: Sick
Opening Songs
First Book

What a Cold Needs, by Barbara Bottner, and Ill by Chris Sheban
Group Song: Handwashing Song
Top and bottom,
top and bottom,
In between,
in between
Scrub them all together,
scrub them all together
Now we’re clean,
squeaky clean.
Source: JBrary
Group Song: I Had a Tiny Turtle
I had a little turtle
His name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bathtub
To see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water
He ate up all the soap
And now he’s home sick in bed
with bubbles in his throat!
Bubble bubble bubble, bubble bubble pop!
Bubble bubble bubble, bubble bubble pop!
Souce: JBrary
Second Book:

Llama Llama, Home with Mama, by Anna Dewdney
Group Song: If You’re Sick and You Know It
If you’re sick and you know it cover your mouth
(cough into elbow)
If you’re sick and you know it cover your mouth
(cough into elbow)
If you’re sick and you know it, and you’re feeling really yucky,
If you’re sick and you know it cover your mouth
(cough into elbow)
Additional verses: drink some juice, take a nap,
…if you feel better and you know it — jump up and down
Third Book

How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon, by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Group Dancing: Silly Dance Contest, by Jim Gill
Closing Song