

Monday, February 24, 2025

Theme: Dogs

Opening Songs

First Book

Boop! by Bea Birdsong and Ill by Linzie Hunter

Group Song with Ukulele: Ears on the Dog
The ears on the dog go flap flap flap,
flap flap flap, flap flap flap.
The ears on the dog go flap flap flap,
All day long!

Repeat with:
Nose of the dog goes sniff sniff sniff
Mouth of the dog goes woof woof woof
Tail of the dog goes wag wag wag
Body of the dog goes shake shake shake

Second Book

Bark George, by Jules Feiffer

Activity/Song: Color Matching with Dogs
I passed out little dogs of different colors. We sang the following song and the kids brought up their dogs as the color was sung.

If you have a red dog, red dog, red dog,
If you have a red dog, please bring it up!

Repeat with: Pink, Orange, Green, Blue, and Yellow

Third Book

I Am Dog! by Peter Bentley and Chris Chatterton

Dancing: The Tempo Marches On, by Jim Gill

Closing Song

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