Monday, January 13, 2025
Theme: Winter
Opening Songs
First Book

If It’s Snowy and You Know it Clap Your Paws, by Kim Norman and Ill by Liza Woodrruff
Movement: If It’s Snowing Outside
If it’s snowing outside, wear your boots.
If it’s snowing outside, wear your boots.
If it’s snowing outside, then your boots will keep you warm!
If it’s snowing outside, wear your boots.
Additional verses: mittens, hat, coat, etc.
Second Book:

On a Flake-Flying Day, by Buffy Silverman
Movement: Parachute Play! I put fake snowballs in the parachute and played Popcorn, by Mr. John and Friends.
Third Book

Winter is Here, by Kevin Henkes and Ill by Laura Dronzek
Dancing: When It’s Cold, by The Laurie Berkner Band
Closing Song