First Book Swallow the Leader, by Danna Smith and Illustrated by Kevin Sherry Song with UkuleleThe waves in the sea go up and down,Up and down,…
Monday, May 1, 2023 Theme: Music Opening Songs First Book Animal Song, by Jonty Howly Flannel Rhyme: The Finger BandI put up pictures of each instrument as we got to…
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Theme: Bees Opening Songs First Book A Bear, a Bee and a Honey Tree, by Daniel Bernstrom and Ill by Brandon James Scot Flannel RhymeThe ladybugs…
Monday, April 10, 2023 Theme: Sleeping Opening SongsI wake up my hands with a clap clap clapClap clap clap, clap clap clapI wake up my hands with a clap clap…
Monday, April 3, 2023 Theme: Spring Opening Songs First Book First Notes of Spring, by Jessica Julekjian and Illustrated by Jennifer Bower Finger Play: Itsy Bitsy Spider“The itsy bitsy spider…
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 Theme: Dinosaurs Opening Songs First Book Triceratops Stomp, by Karen Patkau Song with UkuleleOne dinosaur went out to playOn a bright and sunny day.He had such…
In late summer of 2022 I was getting bored with my storytime routine and decided to try something new. I recalled an old colleague who used PowerPoint in her storytimes,…