Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Theme: Frogs
Opening Songs
Movement: Open Shut Them, by Laurie Berkner
First Book

Hop Jump, by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Song with Ukulele:
5 Green and Speckled Frogs
Second Book:

The Wide-Mouthed Frog, by Keith Faulkner and Illustrated by Jonathan Lambert
Movement: The Exercise Song
We’re jumping up and down
We’re jumping up and down
We’re getting lots of exercise
We’re jumping up and down.
Let’s bend and touch our toes…
Let’s reach and touch the sky…
We lift our knees up high….
We sit down on the floor…
Source: Not sure on this one…
Third Book

The Froggies Do Not Want to Sleep, by Adam Gustavson
Dancing: Leapfrog, by Jazzy Ash
Closing Song