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Monday, April 24, 2023

Theme: Bathtime

Opening Songs

These are My Glasses, by Laurie Berkner

First Book 

The Pigeon Needs a Bath, by Mo Willems

Flannel Rhyme 

1 elephant in the bathtub going for a swim.

Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)

Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)

Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)


5 elephants in the bathtub going for a swim.

Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)

Splash, splash(pat lap for each splash)

And they all fell in!

Credit: Jbrary

Group Singing

One little red fish

Swimming in the water,

Swimming in the water,

Swimming in the water.

One little red fish

Swimming in the water,

Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…POP!

Credit: Jbrary

Second Book:

Bears in the Bath, by Shirley Parentau, Illustrated by David Walker

Group Song:

Tops and bottoms,

tops and bottoms

In between,

in between

Scrub them all together,

scrub them all together

Now we’re clean,

squeaky clean.

Flannel with Ukulele:

Five pigs so squeaky clean

Cleanest you’ve ever seen

Wanted to go outside and play

Oink! Oink!

One jumped into the mud

Landed with a big THUD

Then there were four clean squeaky pigs.

4, 3, 2, 1

Third Book

How Do You Take a Bath?, by Kate McMullan, Illustrated  by Sydney Hanson

Jumping and Counting by Jim Gill

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