Shoes & Socks
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Theme: Shoes & Socks Opening Songs These Are My Glasses, by Laurie Berkner First Book Duck Sock Hop, by Jane Kohuth and Jane Porter Group Activity:…
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Theme: Shoes & Socks Opening Songs These Are My Glasses, by Laurie Berkner First Book Duck Sock Hop, by Jane Kohuth and Jane Porter Group Activity:…
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 Theme: Night Opening Songs First Book - with flannel! The Stack, by Vanessa Roeder Movement Rhyme:Zoom, zoom, zoomWe're going to the stars.Zoom, zoom, zoomWe're going to…
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Theme: Boats Opening Songs First Book Boats Will Float, by Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum and Illustrated by Brett Curzon Wiggle Song:My right foot has the wiggles, my…
Monday, October 2, 2023 Theme: Fall Opening Songs First Book Full of Fall, by April Pulley Sayre Scarf Dancing:Falling leaves, falling leavesIn the air, in the airWhirling, twirling leavesWhirling, twirling…
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 Theme: Fall Opening Songs First Book When the Leaf Blew In, by Steve Metzger and Illustrated by Kellie Lewis Scarf Dancing:Falling leaves, falling leavesIn the air,…
Monday, September 25, 2023 Theme: Construction Opening Songs Movement: Open Shut Them, by Laurie Berkner First Book Crane Jane, by Andrea Zimmerman and pictures by Dan Yaccarino Group Song: Construction…
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Theme: Frogs Opening Songs Movement: Open Shut Them, by Laurie Berkner First Book Hop Jump, by Ellen Stoll Walsh Song with Ukulele:5 Green and Speckled Frogs…