Wednesday, January 10, 2023
First Book

Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter, by Kenard Park
Movement Song: If It’s Snowy
If its snowy and you know it, clap your mittens.
If its snowy and you know it, clap your mittens.
If its snowy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If its snowy and you know it, clap your mittens!
Additional verses:
…stomp your boots
…jump around
Second Book:

Cold Turkey, by Corey Rosen Schwartz & Kristi Call, Ill by Chad Otis
Scarf Dancing: Snowflakes Dancing
Dance like snowflakes, dance like snowflakes
In the air, in the air
Whirling, twirling snowflakes
Whirling, twirling snowflakes
Everywhere, everywhere
Scarf Dancing: Frozen Penguin, by Caspar Babypants
Third Book

Bear Snores On, by Karma Wilson and Ill by Jane Chapman
Dancing: Dance, Freeze, Melt, by Mr. Eric & Mr. Michael
Closing Song