Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Theme: Colors
Opening Songs
Movement: Open, Shut Them by Laurie Berkner
First Book

Rainbow Bear, by Bill Martin Jr and Michael Sampson, Ill by Nathalie Beauvois
Movement: Exercise Song
We’re jumping up and down
We’re jumping up and down
We’re getting lots of exercise
We’re jumping up and down.
Let’s bend and touch our toes…
Let’s reach and touch the sky…
We lift our knees up high….
We sit down on the floor…
Group Song with Flannel: Bubble, Bubble, Pop
One little red fish
Swimming in the water x3
One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…POP!
Source: Jbrary
Second Story, Flannel Story:

Dog’s Colorful Day, by Emma Dodd
Activity/Song: Color Matching with Dogs
I passed out little dogs of different colors. We sang the following song and the kids brought up their dogs as the color was sung.
If you have a red dog, red dog, red dog,
If you have a red dog, please bring it up!
Repeat with: Pink, Orange, Green, Blue, and Yellow
Third Book

Bear Sees Colors, by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman
Shaker Dancing: Let’s All Shake Our Shaker Eggs, by Miss Jamie
Closing Song