Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Theme: Building and Construction
Opening Songs
I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap
Clap clap clap, clap clap clap
I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap
Then I wake up my hands some more
Feet… stomp…
Head… nod…
Eyes… blink…
Tongue… bleah…
Hips… wiggle…
Credit: JBrary
First Book

Baby Builders, by Elissa Haden Guest and Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata
Finger Play: Brick by Brick
Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
My building’s so high,
It’s scraping the sky.
(Place fists one on top of the other, going higher each time.)
Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
My building will sway
When the wind blows this way.
(Sway left, then right.)
Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
Now I’m ready to stop
And a flag goes on top.
(Open one fist and wave hand left and right.)
Credit: Verona Storytime
Group Song
This is the way we pound our nails,
pound our nails, pound our nails.
This is the way we pound our nails so early in the morning!
Repeat with:
Saw the wood
Turn the screw
Stack the bricks
Stir the paint
Paint the walls
Second Book:

Builders & Breakers, by Steve Light
Wiggle Song
My right foot has the wiggles,
my right foot has the wiggles,
My right food has the wiggles
& I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
but my left foot wants to BOP.
My left foot has the wiggles,
my left foot has the wiggles,
My left foot has the wiggles,
& I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
but my left hand wants to BOP.
My left hand has the wiggles,
my left hand has the wiggles,
My left hand has the wiggles,
& I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
but my right hand wants to BOP.
My right hand has the wiggles,
my right hand has the wiggles,
My right hand has the wiggles
& I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely,
but my whole body wants to BOP
My body has the wiggles,
my body has the wiggles,
my body has the wiggles,
& I tell it now to STOP!
Credit: KCLS
Third Book

Tip Tip Dig Dig, by Emma Garcia
Movement Dancing
Jump Up, Turn Around, by Jim Gill
Closing Songs