

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Opening Songs

First Book

How to Count to One, by Caspar Salmon and Ill by Matt Hunt

Movement Song: Wiggles
My right foot has the wiggles, my right foot has the wiggles,
My right food has the wiggles & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my left foot wants to BOP.

My left foot has the wiggles, my left foot has the wiggles,
My left foot has the wiggles, & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my left hand wants to BOP.

My left hand has the wiggles, my left hand has the wiggles,
My left hand has the wiggles, & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my right hand wants to BOP.

My right hand has the wiggles, my right hand has the wiggles,
My right hand has the wiggles & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my whole body wants to BOP.
Source: Jbrary

Second Story

Ducks on the Road, by Anita Lobel

Flannel Song with Ukulele: Five Little Ducks

Third Book

Eggs and Legs, by Michael Dahl and Ill by Todd Ouren

Dancing: Jumping and Counting, by Jim Gill

Closing Song

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