Monday, July 3, 2023 – Outdoor Session
Theme: Mud
Opening Songs
First Book (Big book)

One Duck Stuck, by Phyllis Root, Illustrated by Jane Chapman
Group Song with Flannel and Ukulele:
Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest you’ve ever seen
Wanted to go outside and play
Oink! Oink!
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a big THUD
Then there were four clean squeaky pigs.
4, 3, 2, 1
Credit: Miss Mary Library
Group Movement: Spaghetti Legs, by Jim Gill
Second Book

Mud, by Annie Bailey, Illustrated by Jen Corace
Group Song: Herman the Worm
I was sitting on a fencepost chewing my bubblegum (smack gum),
playing with my yo-yo (weeooo weeooo)
when along came Herman the worm, and he was this big (hold up hands to show)
And I said “Herman what happened?”
And he said, “I ate a grape!”
I was sitting on a fencepost chewing my bubblegum (smack gum),
playing with my yo-yo (weeooo weeooo)
when along came Herman the worm, and he was this big (hold up hands to show he’s bigger)
And I said “Herman what happened?”
And he said, “I ate 2 apples!!”
I was sitting on a fencepost chewing my bubblegum (smack gum),
playing with my yo-yo (weeooo weeooo)
when along came Herman the worm, and he was this big (hold up hands to show he’s bigger)
And I said “Herman what happened?”
And he said, “I ate 3 cantaloupes!!”
I was sitting on a fencepost chewing my bubblegum (smack gum),
playing with my yo-yo (weeooo weeooo)
when along came Herman the worm, and he was this big (hold up hands to show he’s bigger)
And I said “Herman what happened?”
And he said, “I ate 4 watermelons!!”
I was sitting on a fencepost chewing my bubblegum (smack gum),
playing with my yo-yo (weeooo weeooo)
when along came Herman the worm, and he was this big (hold up hands to show he’s tiny)
And I said “Herman what happened?”
And he said, “I burped!”
Adapted from Jbrary
Third Book

Dig In, by Cindy Jenson-Elliot and Mary Peterson
Bubble Dancing: Three Little Birds, by Bob Marley
Closing Song