Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Theme: Owls
Opening Songs
First Book:

Wow! Said the Owl, by Tim Hopgood
Group Flannel: 5 Little Owls

5 little owls on a dark, dark night.
5 little owls are quite a sight.
5 little owls! Are you keeping score?
1 flies away and that leaves 4
4 little owls as happy as can be
1 flies away and that leaves 3
3 little owls calling, “Who, who, who.”
1 flies away and that leaves 2
2 little owls having lots of fun
1 flies away and that leaves 1
1 little owl and we’re almost done,
He flies away and that leaves none
SourceL Kidjamboree
Wiggle Rhyme:
Put your hands up high,
Put your hands down low,
Put your hands in the middle and wiggle just so.
Put your elbows in front,
Put your elbows in back
Put your elbows to the side and quack, quack, quack!
Source: JBrary
Second Book:

Little Owl’s Night, by Divya Srinivasan
Movement Song: Owl Pokey
You put your right wing in
You put your right wing out
You put your right wing in
And you flap it all about
You do the owl pokey and you fly yourself around
That’s what it’s all about! Hoo, hoo!
(left wing, right claw, left claw, beak, whole self)
Third Book:

Good Night Owl, by Greg Pizzoli
Scarf Rhyme: Popcorn Popping
Popcorn Kernels, popcorn kernels
In the pot, in the pot
Shake them shake them shake them
Shake them shake them shake them
’til they POP
Source: JBrary
Scarf Dancing: Run Baby Run, by Caspar Babypants
Closing Songs