Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Theme: Breakfast
Opening Songs
Movement: I Wake Up
I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap
Clap clap clap, clap clap clap
I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap
Then I wake up my hands some more
Feet… stomp…
Head… nod…
Eyes… blink…
Tongue… bleah…
Hips… wiggle…
Source: JBrary
First Book

Bear’s Big Breakfast, by Lynn Rowe Reed and Ill by Brett Helquist
Movement: Spaghetti Legs, by Jim Gill
Group Story/Chant with Felt Board: Flip Flap Jack
There was a man made of food, made of food, made of food
There was a man made of food
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
And he danced upon the table, the table, the table
He danced upon the table
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
His head was made of a pancake, a pancake, a pancake
His head was made of a pancake,
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
And he danced upon the table, the table, the table
He danced upon the table
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
His eyes were made of blueberries, blueberries, blueberries
His eyes were made of blueberries
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
And he danced upon the table, the table, the table
He danced upon the table
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
Repeat the phrasing with:
hair/whipped cream
feet/French toast
Source: King County Library System
Ukulele Song: Apples and Bananas, by Raffi
Third Book

If You Give a Moose a Muffin, by Laura Numeroff and Ill by Felicia Bond
Shaker Dancing: Fruit Salad Salsa, by Laurie Berkner
Closing Song