Wednesday, February, 7 2024
Theme: Llamas
First Book

A Couch for Llama, by Leah Gilbert
Song with Ukulele: Down By the Bay, by Raffi
Movement: Exercise Song
We’re jumping up and down
We’re jumping up and down
We’re getting lots of exercise
We’re jumping up and down.
Let’s bend and touch our toes…
Let’s reach and touch the sky…
We lift our knees up high….
We sit down on the floor…
Source: Not sure on this one
Second Book:

Llama Llama Red Pajama, by Anna Dewdney
Movement: Knuckles Knees, by Jim Gill
Third Book (with flannel pieces!)

Is Your Mama a Llama? by Deborah Guarino and Ill by Steve Kellogg
Scarf Dancing: Pop Goes the Weasel, by Caspar Babypants
Closing Song