Monday, January 6, 2025
Theme: Favorites
Opening Songs
First Book

Groovy Joe Ice Cream & Dinosaurs, by Eric Litwin and Ill by Tom Lichtenheld
Movement: Exercise Song
We’re jumping up and down
We’re jumping up and down
We’re getting lots of exercise
We’re jumping up and down.
Let’s bend and touch our toes…
Let’s reach and touch the sky…
We lift our knees up high….
We sit down on the floor…
Second Book:

Is Everyone Ready for Fun? by Jan Thomas
Movement Song: Knuckles Knees, by Jim Gill
Third Book

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do you See? by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle
Scarf Movement: Popcorn
Popcorn Kernels, popcorn kernels
In the pot, in the pot
Shake them shake them shake them
Shake them shake them shake them
’til they POP
Source: Jbrary
Scarf Dancing: Pop Goes the Weasel, by Caspar Babypants
Closing Song