Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Theme: Quiet
Opening Songs
First Book

Don’t Wake the Dragon, by Biance Schulze and Ill by Samantha Hardy
Movement Song: Bubble Bubble Pop
One little red fish
Swimming in the water.
One little red fish
Swimming in the water.
One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…POP! (clap hands)
Additional verses:
Two little blue fish…
Three little yellow fish…
Source: JBrary
Second Book:
Noisy Night, by Mac Barnet and Ill by Brian Biggs

Movement Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes, by Mr. Eric & Mr. Michael
Third Book

Quiet, by Tomie dePaola
Egg Shakers:
Egg shakers up, up, up, up!
Egg shakers down, down, down!
Egg shakers dancin’, dancin’, dancin’,
all around the town, town, town!
Dance them on your shoulders, shoulders, shoulders,
dance them on your head, head, head,
dance them on your tummy, tummy, tummy,
and then dance them off to bed!
Source: JBrary
I Know a Chicken, by Laurie Berkner
Closing Song