Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Theme: Hats
Opening Songs
First Book – with a flannel!

A Good Day for a Hat, by Nat Fuller Illustrated by Rob Hodgeson
Movement Song: If It’s Raining Outside
If it’s raining outside, wear your boots.
If it’s raining outside, wear your boots.
If it’s raining outside, then your boots will keep you dry!
If it’s raining outside, wear your boots.
Additional verses: raincoat, hat, umbrella, etc.
Second Book:

Very Good Hats, by Emma Straub and Ill by Blanca Gomez
Movement Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Song with Ukulele: Spider on the Floor, by Raffi
Third Book

Hooray for Hat! By Brian Won
Scarf Dancing: Run Baby Run by Caspar Babypants
Closing Song