Monday, October 7, 2024
Theme: Let’s Move
Opening Songs
Movement: I Wake Up
I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap
Clap clap clap, clap clap clap
I wake up my hands with a clap clap clap
Then I wake up my hands some more
Feet… stomp…
Head… nod…
Eyes… blink…
Tongue… bleah…
Hips… wiggle…
Source: JBrary
First Book

From Head to Toe, by Eric Carle
Movement: Exercise Song
We’re jumping up and down
We’re jumping up and down
We’re getting lots of exercise
We’re jumping up and down.
Let’s bend and touch our toes…
Let’s reach and touch the sky…
We lift our knees up high….
We sit down on the floor…
Second Book

Can You Make a Scary Face, by Jan Thomas
Ukulele Song: Apples and Bananas, by Raffi
Third Book

I Got the Rhythm, by Connie Schofield-Morrison, and Ill by Frank Morrison
Dancing: Dance, Freeze, Melt, by Mr. Eric and Mr. Michael
Closing Song