Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Opening Songs
First Book

Walrus in the Bathtub, by Deborah Underwood and Ill by Matt Hut
Movement Song: The Waves in the Ocean
The waves in the ocean go up and down,
Up and down, up and down,
The waves in the ocean go up and down
All day long.
Additional verses:
The sharks in the ocean goes chomp, chomp, chomp…
The fish in the ocean go swish, swish, swish…
The boats in the ocean go toot, toot, toot…
The jellies in the ocean go jiggle, jiggle, jiggle…
The clams in the ocean go open and shut…
Movement: Wiggles
My right foot has the wiggles, my right foot has the wiggles,
My right food has the wiggles & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my left foot wants to BOP.
My left foot has the wiggles, my left foot has the wiggles,
My left foot has the wiggles, & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my left hand wants to BOP.
My left hand has the wiggles, my left hand has the wiggles,
My left hand has the wiggles, & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my right hand wants to BOP.
My right hand has the wiggles, my right hand has the wiggles,
My right hand has the wiggles & I tell it now to STOP.
I’m trying to sit here nicely, I’m trying to sit here nicely
I’m trying to sit here nicely, but my whole body wants to BOP.
Source: Jbrary
Second Book

Whose Bones Are Those? by Chihiro Takeuchi
Activity: Letter W Puzzle

I made letter W puzzles, laminated and cut them up so they are all the same. I made enough for everyone, and we put them together as a group. Source: Storytime Katie
Third Book

The Spooky Box, by Mark Gonyea
Scarf Dancing: Pop Goes the Weasel, by Caspar Babypants
Closing Song
This series was inspired by Alphabits!