Thursday, November 26, 2023
Book: City of Ghosts, by Victoria Schwab

The Program: We had a VERY lively discussion of the title as we did our activity. I didn’t bring any questions for this group because this group is usually bursting at the seams with things they want to discuss, and tonight was no different. They all loved the book. One of our more interesting talking points was a lengthy conversation about how Jacob became a ghost and how he was able to save Cass. The group was very interested in Jacob’s role in future books as he is a favorite character and they were hopeful he doesn’t turn bad or get unmade! Overall, this was a great pick for discussion AND for the month of October.
The Activity: We jumped on the viral trend of adding ghosts to thrift store paintings! Found paintings based in Edinburgh (where the book takes place) and we added our ghosts to the pictures. I gave them white, black, and red paint (in case they wanted to add the Red Raven!).